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"Got a piece o' tech y' have lyin' around an' it needs some repairin'? Bring it down t' m' stall an' I'll see if I can't have it back up an' runnin'!"

(OoC) Due to the inconsistent nature of the value of IC Gil in RP settings, the prices for Cassidy's services will be left vague. Also, depending on the complexity of said item being repaired, there will usually be some amount of time that will need to pass before the repair job is done. This will be noted by the Player Character: Cassidy Winchester, before hand.

Items are of limited quantity. One stock of each.

The Ghost Barque Revolver

Heed the call of the Sirens with this trusty six shooter!

- 245,000 Gil

High Steel Culverin

Single-shot handcannon.

- 200,500 Gil

The Coming Storm

A six shot revolver with an added kick! Be careful where you point the knife-end of this gun.

- 230,000 Gil

Sorry! No sales are being made at this moment. Please check back again at a later time!

"Some random bits o' stuff I got lyin' around, anythin' that catches y' eye?"

Permanent Stock

Items are of limited quantity.

Empty Ceruleum Barrel

Holds Ceruleum. Container linings use protective materials to prevent leakage/contamination.

  • 16 oz: 4 in stock - 1,000 Gil

  • 32 oz: 2 in stock - 2,500 Gil

  • 64 oz: SOLD OUT - 5,000 Gil

Garlean Steel Plates

Ripped off of some Garlean Magitek. Still has it's uses!

  • 18 6 in stock - 750 Gil

Ammo Crate

Ammo for any and all types of gun! Best not to ask questions on how that works.

  • 13 11 in stock - 25,000 Gil

Weekly Stock

Items are of limited quantity and cycle weekly.

Crimson Firesand

Exceedingly more explosive than your regular brand of firesand.

  • 16 oz: SOLD OUT

  • 32 oz: SOLD OUT

Magitek Scrap

Various bits and collections of magitek stuff.


Allagan Tomestone

Repurposed information repository. Hide your secrets or whatever scandalous stuff you have hiding.



Your blade slapped to a gun, or the other way around. Does not come with loaded bullets.

  • 16 in stock - 200,000 Gil


Black Firesand

Slightly more explosive than your regular brand of firesand.

  • 16 oz: 10 in stock

  • 32 oz: 5 in stock

Dormant AI Core

"Don't know what this thing does, so I guess it's a surprise t' both you an' me!"

  • 1 in stock

Aetheroconductive Mammet

"I don't have any use fer it, 'ere ya go."

  • 1 in Stock SOLD OUT